Thursday, August 21, 2014

Can a leader be a Sluggard?

Can a leader be a Sluggard?

Often times it is so easy to be easy on yourself and let your responsibilities lax. We can find ourselves thinking, "Oh, I can put that off until tomorrow! It will get done!" 
We get in a rut.
What we do is not our best.
It's not our utmost.
Can a leader really have this lifestyle? Can that individual have a sloppy, 
unscheduled, procrastinator life?

When I think about this, I often find myself guilty of these traits. What I find is that if I cannot manage my life to my best ability - 
if I put things off and do less than my best - 
if I choose the easy road and just go easy on myself about tasks and responsibilities - 
Something Terrible Happens.....
My relationship with God dwindles.....


As a leader - we are an example! People are going to be watching us and the scary thing is they will mimic us too! 
If we fail in our Relationship with God, we don't have our guide to lead.
When we are lazy with prayer and studying the Bible, we forget to be humble. We lose our Servant Mindset. 

We become

NO a Leader cannot let himself be this way!

1 - God commands that we do our best! It glorifies Him! 
2 - God wants us to be good stewards!
3 - it is GOOD for US
4 - People are watching our actions and reactions.
5 - A sloppy job, room, desk, life - these all show what is going on in the heart and mind.

We need to strive to do OUR BEST! 
There is no room for a sluggard.
Be hard on yourself and not on others.
Be the leader God wants you to be.


Leadership Video - CollegePlus

CollegePlus! Leadership Series Video Essay - 2012 from Hulslander on Vimeo.


I actually did some CollegePlus Leadership Courses and they were a GREAT help to me! I highly recommend their leadership courses.

I think this video does a great job in summing up key thoughts and principles about leadership. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Can a hypocritical leader be effective ?

This is a thought that has been in my mind this week. There have been so many leaders that have talked about great things - and yet they never meant to do them. They purposefully use their leadership as a chance of glory - or maybe as a chance to push THEIR thoughts and ideas without considering the thoughts of others.

Leadership should not be domineering. It should not be an act of tyranny.

The greatest leader that ever lived is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Looking at how He lead - He did not push and yell and scream to get His way. He spoke the TRUTH from His heart. Not only that, but Christ also saturated His heart and mind with the WORD OF GOD. That to me is very convicting. 
Am I saturating my life with the Word of God? Am i SO prideful and bold, to think I can lead on my own. Sadly sometimes I think I am that way as I know are others. But there is a sure guide and leader that we can follow as we lead. It's God. It's His word. It's His Son's example. We have SUCH a resource and such a heavenly Father. We would be foolish and wise in our owns eyes if we did not let Him FIRST lead us. If we follow HIM - we can lead.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Interviewing a Leader...

This is Kayla.

When deciding whom to choose to interview for my blog post, I began to think of those who stood out to me as having leadership qualities.
I instantly thought of Kayla.
I Skyped Kayla to ask her some questions about her viewpoint on leadership. In talking with her for over an hour, I was able to compile some thoughts and ideas of which i know will be helpful.

"Two Leadership Qualities"


A leader must support the group he or she is leading
There must be a vision! It there is not vision the people will fall
NO STRUCTURE – recipe for disaster
They must set goals and act upon them
They must start something AND finish it


You cannot expect someone to follow you if they do not trust you.
Be open with what you are wanting to get across: it helps everyone be on the same page

They care about the people underneath them


Leadership makes you accountable in walk with God
It pushes you to that next level
 Leadership should not be a reason for you to have your devotions - "doing it because that is what is expected of you."
 it should make you want to grow because God wants you to grow

Addressing people under you:

Before address something

1.     Don’t react with emotions
2.     Think through before confronting
3.     Look at why they didn’t do what you asked
4.     Have compassion
5.     Everything is not black and white
6.     Go to that person personally not through someone else


A Leader should be a goal oriented and structured person
Set these Goals and encourage people along the way to get involved.
Help motivate people towards what your goal is.

Goal: A big thing – made into little things to reach the big thing.